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Equality Plan

Gender equality is a universal legal principle recognized in several international, European and national laws.

Effective Equality

At Forés Group we have both a plan that ensures effective equality between women and men and a protocol for the prevention of sexual and/or gender-based harassment.

Occupational health is of vital importance to the company, which is why we ensure that this plan is guaranteed, starting with selection and hiring processes and continuing with training, work-life balance, remuneration and communication.

An equality plan and a sexual harassment prevention protocol are two important tools to promote a safe and equitable work environment. Here’s a brief explanation of what each one consists of:

Equality Plan

An equality plan is a set of measures and actions designed to eliminate any form of gender discrimination in the workplace and promote equal opportunities between men and women. The main objective of an equality plan is to ensure that all people, regardless of their gender, have the same conditions and opportunities for development and promotion at work.

The equality plan includes measures such as:

  • Merit and skills-based hiring and promotion policies.
  • Actions to promote work-life balance.
  • Gender equality training for the staff.
  • Evaluation and fixing of possible wage gaps between men and women.
  • Preventing and addressing sexual and workplace harassment.
  • Promoting diversity and inclusion at all levels of the organization.

Sexual Harassment Prevention Protocol

A sexual harassment prevention protocol is a set of guidelines and procedures established by an organization to prevent, identify, and address instances of sexual harassment in the workplace. The main goal of the protocol is to create a safe and harassment-free work environment, protecting the rights and dignity of all people in the organization.

The sexual harassment prevention protocol includes measures such as:

  • Clear definition of sexual harassment and examples of unacceptable behavior.
  • Confidential and secure reporting channels for reporting cases of sexual harassment.
  • Procedures for the impartial and objective investigation of complaints.
  • Disciplinary measures for harassers.
  • Support and assistance to victims, including counseling and guidance resources.
  • Regular training for all staff on sexual harassment and how to prevent it.
  • Measures to raise awareness and promote a respectful environment.