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CDTI support for the expansion of our production capacity

Línea Directa de Expansion 2022 Project

FORÉS DISEÑO, S.L. has received the support of the Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI) for the development of the de Línea Directa de Expansión Project called “LÍNEA AUTOMÁTICA PARA EL CANTEADO DE PIEZAS ESTRECHAS” (File Number: IDI-20201121).

The goal of this project is to expand the production capacity of the existing site in San Jordi (Castellón), dedicated to the production of furniture, in Kit format, that is, packaged inside boxes and with a simple construction allowing the end user to assemble the furniture at home without any help. Optimizing the manufacture of narrow parts as much as possible, which are currently the bottleneck of all manufacturing phases, as it is a task, until now, very difficult to automate.

  • Project Execution Time: 24 Months Start: 01-07-2020 and End: 30-06-2022
  • Project budget: 2.000.00,00 €

This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Programa Operativo Plurirregional de España 2014-2020. “Una manera de hacer Europa”.

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